Smart solutions
in horticulture

Protect high value crops and keep labour costs low with our range of machinery, hail net, rain covers and services. Founded by 5th generation growers, Chris & Alex Turnbull, Inspired Ag showcases leading products from around the globe. Choose from a range of elevated work platforms and slash labour hours on a variety of jobs all year. Protect key crops including cherries, berries, grapes, kiwi fruit and apples from rain, hail, sun, wind and insects with robust covers and net.
Extend storage life of fruit, vegetables & flowers with controlled atmosphere storage bins for greater market flexibility. Achieve higher yield, better packouts and a measured return on investment with defoliators and reflective mat.
Our product range stands up to rigorous testing as seen at Turnbull Brothers Orchards (1892) in the Goulburn Valley and is backed up by ground breaking research overseas.

After 125 years of growing fruit in Ardmona, Turnbull Brothers Orchards merged with 3 neighbouring orchards; the merged enterprise is now under new ownership. Chris & Alex Turnbull are 5th generation growers who travelled extensively to hone their craft & industry knowledge during their decades long careers. They built a network within the global industry to draw from when making decisions on the orchard. After trialling equipment under harsh conditions, during labour shortages and tough markets they learnt how to cut costs, grow superior fruit & drive profit. Based on this knowledge and experience, in 2018, Inspired Ag was born.
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